How It Works

The only plant-based technology on the market. Drop it while it's hot!

See How Pods Work

Step 1:

Start FRESH!

Start your first Pod with a clean, boiled-out fryer and after day 1 oil. Skim to remove crumbs. At the end of the night, turn fryer off and place Pod in fryer while the oil is still hot.

Step One: Place Pod in the fryer.

Step 2:

Let Pod soak overnight in the frying oil to catch water, acids, metals and other invisible impurities.

Step two: Let Pod soak overnight.

Step 3:

The next day, turn on the fryer and let the warm oil drain from the Pod.

Step Three: Remove the Pod the next day.

Step 4:

Dispose the used Pod in the trash. Use one Pod per fryer, every night that you fry.

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Using Pods is Fast and Simple!

Oil Management Made Easy

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The Science

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Distributed Nationally Through Sysco

Sysco Classic Fry Oil Filter Pods
SUPC: 5089113


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