Fry Oil Filter Pods:
The easiest way to control your Food Quality, Labor & Cost.
Try us at no risk; If you first case doesn't pay for itself, we'll buy it back from you!

Customers see an average of 2-3 days of oil life extension when adding Pods to their nightly checklist.
How much can you save? Run our time and cost savings calculator to find out.
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What Do Customers Think?
“At Church’s, we’re committed to providinghigh-quality food and service at a great value for our Guests, without ever sacrificing our standards or negatively impacting the planet. The quality of our oil is a big part of that commitment. By working with FreshFry, we meet the needs of our franchisees and the environment, while continuing to deliver our Guests the amazing fried chicken and fabulous Honey-Butter Biscuits™ that made us famous.”
-Luis de la Torre, VP of Global Ops Services, Church's Texas Chicken

7 Days of Oil Life: See the Difference!
The science: removes acids, moisture and gummy oil polymers.
Results: improved food quality and extended oil life.
Try Fry Oil Filter Pods Today
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