Here's What to Do in Rare Pod Mishap Situations
FreshFry Pods help reduce the inherent risk that comes along with working around hot oil. In fact, we've been able to show a massive projected reduction in workers comp claims during our trials. However, we recognize that while rare, it is possible for something to go wrong when using Pods. Here's what to do should anything happen while utilizing FreshFry Pods to filter your oil.
What if the Pod opens in the deep fryer?
The Pod will not open on it's own unless it comes in contact with a heating element. Never open a Pod and place it in a fryer - they are sealed an ready to use as they are! If for any reason the Pod were to leak, the granulated material is not harmful if ingested, but in order to avoid foreign material in fried food, drain and filter the oil before use.
What if the Pod gets dropped into the bottom of a hot deep fryer?
Pods are designed to be placed in the fryer basket so that they can clean the oil in a safe, easily removable way. Pods are also designed to float, but in the case of a Pod sinking to the bottom of a fryer, remove it as soon as possible using a large spoon, oil skimmer or other tool. If the Pod is caught before it comes in contact with the heating element, there's no need to drain your oil.
What if the heating element melted the Pod filter paper and granules have leaked into the bottom of fryer?
If the Pod does come in contact with the heating element and either melts or opens, you'll need to drain the oil to remove any material left from the Pod. The granulated material is not harmful if ingested, but in order to avoid foreign material in fried food, filter oil before use.
What if I have questions about use or quality issues with the Pods?
If any issues arise, please contact us.
What if I need first aid information?
Refer to the Safety Data Sheet included in the Welcome Packet we sent with your first order!