FreshFry Named Overall Restaurant Tech Solution of the Year
We won an award! “Overall Restaurant Tech Solution of the Year,” to be exact. We’re so excited and honored to be chosen out of 1,500 nominations from over 15 different countries throughout the world who applied for the AgTech Breakthrough Awards! *we’re kind of a big deal.*
The mission of the annual AgTech Breakthrough Awards program is to conduct the industry’s most comprehensive analysis and evaluation of agricultural and food technology categories, including:
Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) based agricultural technologies
farm management
indoor farming
food quality
data analytics
and many more
The AgTech Breakthrough Awards program provides a forum for public recognition around the achievements of AgTech companies and solutions.
“The food service industry is in the middle of a rebound, trying to optimize every aspect of operations - particularly the current labor strain while also maintaining food quality. FreshFry Pods tackle labor shortages while also creating sustainability across all areas of an establishment’s frying operations,” said Bryan Vaughn, Managing Director of AgTech Breakthrough Awards. “FreshFry delivers reliable, environmentally-conscious products that help with reduced labor and maintenance while also saving money. The solution couldn’t come at a better time. We offer our sincerest congratulations to FreshFry for being our pick for ‘Overall Restaurant Tech Solution of the Year.’”
FreshFry is a food-tech company founded in 2014 by two engineers who saw the opportunity to create meaningful, innovative, and sustainable products for food establishments, and transform waste into a promising future. We are the creator and manufacturer of FreshFry Pods, the first of its kind. We designed Pods with chefs in mind – using redeployed plant waste – to save operators time, labor, and cost by extending the fry oil life with no additional equipment needed. FreshFry Pods are made from plant shells that are carefully heated until the surface "opens" creating tiny pores that readily attract and catch the water, metals, and acids that come from the food and destroy oil. The Pods extend oil life by maintaining "good" oil and removing acids, moisture, and gummy oil polymers overnight, resulting in improved food quality and extended oil life.
“The Pods boosted our oil life by 180%.” – KFC YUM! Center. View testimonials >>
“It’s an honor to be recognized for our team’s tenacity and passion through this award from AgTech Breakthrough,” said Jeremiah Chapman, Co-Founder and CEO of FreshFry. “The goal for those who seek to innovate in the foodservice market is to gain efficiencies that free up capital, labor, and overall functionality for today and the future. Our mission is to drive impact through innovation, address customer challenges, and utilize core technologies to enhance productivity across the entire value chain.”
FreshFry Pods are now distributed nationally, and we’re positioned to enter into five international markets within the calendar year. Want to try the Pod magic for yourself? Grab a sample pack here and see how much Pods improve clarity, longevity, and quality of your fry oil.
Want a hard copy of our AgTech Breakthrough Award announcement? Download our official press release here >>