Here's Why FreshFry Pods Make the Difference When Reusing Oil for Frying
There are many ways to filter frying oil, but there is one way that has proven to be better than all of the others – using FreshFry Pods. Okay, yes… we know we’re bias… but we can prove it with science! Here’s why FreshFry Pods are the best way to clean and reuse oil for frying.
FreshFry Pods are Extremely Effective at Cleaning Frying Oil
In numerous product tests, we’ve found that Pods can extend the life of frying oil by 2-3 days. Nightly use of Pods removes impurities from the oil such as water, metals and free fatty acids. This improves food quality and extends oil life. These benefits will lead to fewer oil changes, and most importantly, the quality of your food will stay consistently delicious!
The 6 Enemies of Oil & How to Prevent Them >>
Pods are a Much Safter Way to Clean and Reuse Oil for Frying
The temperature of deep-frying oil is usually around 350ºF if not higher, so employees that operate or clean commercial fryers can suffer severe burns from splashing oil. FreshFry Pods massively reduce risk of burns. All employees need to do is drop a Pod into a fryer at the end of the night while it’s still hot, and the pod does the rest of the work by slowly circulating the oil and picking up any impurities created during the frying process. In the morning before the next shift starts, employees simply lift the frying baskets with the Pods inside them out of the fryer, squeeze out the cold, excess oil, and dispose of the Pod.
Pods are a Healthy Way to Clean and Reuse Frying Oil
FreshFry Pods leverages proprietary technology to redeploy (reuse) plant-based food waste into a safe, simple-to-use, frying oil purification system. We use all-natural plant-based materials grown in the US. Everything is food safe with absolutely no allergens. We found the best renewable source for the job of refreshing frying oil safely… and we stand by that!
FreshFry Pods are Environmentally Friendly
We pledge to redeploy 10 Million pounds of waste by the end of this year, and One Billion pounds of waste by 2031. Adopting Pods as part of your daily operations gets you one step closer to an environmentally responsible and sustainable kitchen, providing guests with the assurance that their fried food has been prepared using earth-friendly products and practices. To date, FreshFry has redeployed over 7.1 Million pounds of waste since our founding in 2014.
Pods Allow for Less Training and Higher Compliance
Pods are easy and simple to use, so restaurants experience higher rates of compliance and often see better oil life when compared to other frying oil cleaning products such as magnosol powder – which requires complete compliance to be successful. In fact, if magnosol is used too infrequently, it can make your oil foam, smoke, and become unusable. For every day of filtering missed, you lose up to two days of oil life.
Grab a 7-Day Sample Pack of FreshFry Pods >>
Pods are Cost Effective
Oil life extension reduces the amount of money spent on oil, and over time, that cost adds up to big savings. On average, using FreshFry Pods saves businesses 25% on their frying oil costs. In a study with Home Run Burgers & Fries, the restaurant was able to save $4,155 per fryer per year.
Pods Preserve the Integrity of Your Cooking
In addition to everything listed above, Pods also:
- Add no flavor to the oil and remove flavors left behind by cooked foods
- Contain no harmful chemicals
- Keep food light, crisp and delicious
- Are allergen-free
- Are certified Vegan, Kosher, and NSF
- Were awarded the AgTech Breakthrough Award for Overall Restaurant Tech Solution of the Year for 2021
Want to give FreshFry Pods a try risk-free? Grab a sample pack here or contact a team member to discuss trial opportunities for your restaurant(s).